We say Last Goodbye to Erwin “Tron” Beekveld

Real Name: Erwin Beekveld
Handle: Tron
Groups: The Car (1986 -> 1988), The Subversive Elements ( -> 30/3-2022), The Two Musketeers, Trant
Country: Netherlands
Date of death: 31/03/2022

With a great sadness we in 8bit legends report the passing away of Erwin (Aka Tron) Beekveld after a battle with lung cancer. Erwin was well known and highly respected for his work for SLAY Radio and the C64 remix Scene and did some C64 music in the past as well for various groups . he was the founder of Trant and The Car group on C64, moreover
He hang out on SLAY Radio gatherings check here: https://www.slayradio.org/home.php#news
, did C64 radio , chat about whatever and was a talent photographer , Musician , C64 incredible Remixer There are so many memories from him . He was kind, generous, funny and amazing person who is surely missed to everyone in the C64 community and especially in Slay Radio members and staff. a big loss to the c64 lovers
 Tributes to Erwin on his Facebook page

from John Carehag taken on 31.03.2022 on the FB. very emotional and touchy letter
This is one of those posts I’ve really feared to write. I don’t want to write it. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Not now. Not yet. It is an inevitable thing and I have been able to prepare for it but nevertheless it hurts like hell. The hardest part of this is the fact that I haven’t been able to just hop on a plane and come to see you due to the hellish last couple of years. I’ve missed you loads since we met the last time. I’ll miss you loads for the rest of my days. What makes me happy is that I know you were at peace in the end and you knew how much you were loved by a lot of people. That last call we had a couple of months ago was the best call ever, even though it was also one of the worst. You are special, my dear friend. You always have been. You always will be. Godspeed on this next journey of yours, wherever it may take you. May you never run out of milk.
I love you, Erwin
— feeling heartbroken.

A very touch story from Erika Wittmann
was taken off from FB on 04/05/2022 . you can read the original post on FB from here:
He is a guy who if you are lucky enough to talk to even just once, guaranteed that he leaves an imprint on your heart. He was not only one of the nicest , but a damn talented genius perfectionist musician and remixer. The goodbye ceremony was aired today from the Netherlands, that made possible for everyone around the world who loved him to “be there”, even from far away – seriously, very thankful that his family made that possible. I am still under the impact of it, it was so beautiful and heartbreaking.I have met him first in 2016 on one of the best X-Parties. Too bad I don’t have a personal pic while we had our exciting chats, but this group pic below is definitely one of my favourite shot of the guys ever, thanks to Andreas.
And remembering him, tonight I started to dig up the SLAY Radio archives as well – look what we found:
A show with Tron, Slaygon and Anna-Klara starring:
A show with a 90-minutes long in-depth interview that I did with him, asking him about anything and everything related to his music (it starts around 01:08:00):
(He was pre-announced as a surprise guest, this is why it was a hard find in the archive!)
And if you think you didn’t know his work at all, you might be very wrong:

Erwin Beekveld (Tron) Slayradio gathering 2012

His most famous piece, “They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard” (Also featured on the official Lord of the Rings DVD) has over 35M YouTube views now on several channels…

Well Erwin, you really have arrived to Isengard now, hope you had a beautiful journey through the light! We love you and never will forget you. See you on the other side!
for Tron’s youtube channel , pls visit here: https://www.youtube.com/user/erwinbeekveld
To hear Tron Remix , just search for Tron on C64 remixing webpage http://remix.kwed.org

Various of photos of Erwin from X2018 demo party , X2014 demo party , X2010 demo party , X2006 Demo party , SLAY Radio Gathering 2007 and BIT behind the scene 2003 (photos by Misser) , Brighton 2003 , London 2007  , all the photos (except BIT 2003) taken by our dear friend Andreas Wallström ! thanks very much Andreas for your help!

you can visit his CSDB Commodore 64 page here:

Rest in peace Erwin


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  1. I just learned of this. Rest in peace, you are an internet legend to me.


  2. Legend! Rest in peace


  3. Rest in Peace. Much love.


  4. petrotyschtschenko April 6, 2022 — 11:53 pm

    Unbelievable how many strong members of our community are going…. Erwin, rest in peace.. Petro Tyschtschenko


  5. petrotyschtschenko April 6, 2022 — 7:22 pm

    I am shocked.. Rest in Peace dear Erwin.. Petrro Tyschtschenko


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